Industrial lighting

The work of any commercial, industrial enterprise, organization or other institutions is not complete without industrial lighting. Industrial lighting plays a key role in creating a favorable working environment, creating safe working conditions. The main task of industrial lighting is to ensure the necessary illumination at the workplace, which corresponds to the nature of visual work. It is customary to divide industrial lighting into: emergency, security, duty, evacuation. Emergency lighting is intended for those cases when the main light was suddenly turned off. The duty and security lighting are used, as a rule, at night, to ensure the protection of the enterprise and the surrounding territory.

Evacuation lighting is used in rare cases: only when an emergency evacuation of workers from the premises is needed. Industrial lighting should not violate or spoil the visual functions of employees, but rather positively influence human health and its performance. In large enterprises, several types of industrial lighting are simultaneously used to ensure uninterrupted operation in the event of force majeure circumstances. The organization of industrial lighting system should be approached very responsibly, strictly adhering to the established standards. We should not forget that the main criteria for industrial lighting are: high functionality, reliability, safety and only in the background — aesthetic beauty. Lighting equipment should not be a source of fire, explosion or other unpleasant moments.