Inner lack of freedom

As you know, about 1.37 million voted in the parliamentary elections in Armenia. Human. The peculiarity of the structure of this electorate is that a significant part of capable, active citizens is outside the country. According to official figures, in Armenia about 520 thousand pensioners who receive an average of 11 thousand drams per month, and over 110-120 thousand unemployed. Thus, taking into account unofficial statistics, at least 50% of the voted citizens were people who are on the verge of poverty. In fact, it was they who determined the structure of the current government. The main distinguishing feature of this electorate is internal lack of freedom.

Is it to be considered the elections to be considered free? Formally yes, t. To. People outwardly voluntarily cast their votes. On the other hand, the goal of any democratic procedure is to choose people with the highest wisdom. And if, following the results of the elections, we get a result that obviously contradicts what was said, then there were no democratic elections. The above can be illustrated by the example of districts in which one single candidate was nominated according to the majority system. This in itself is nonsense — if there is no alternative, then the elections are obviously meaningless. And then we see that people who, even on a cannon shot, cannot be allowed to parliament and which voters have not even seen, “democratically” gain a huge number of votes. It is clear that this has nothing to do with real democracy. How they do it, it is no longer important, t. To. there are many ways to influence non -free people. As E. Fromm, an internally non -free person gives his hard freedom to the first tyrant.

The problem of elections in Armenia is that we are dealing mainly with the internally non-free electorate, while democratic mechanisms are designed for free citizens who are able to make a responsible choice based on the interests of the country, and not any other. If there is no internal freedom, democracy can easily turn into a farce and imitation. In countries like Armenia, it completely depends on the position of power.

In such a situation, there are two ways in the authorities — either use this lack of freedom for their selfish purposes (due to financial and administrative violence over the will of voters) and thereby further strengthen the internal lack of freedom of citizens, or to abandon this situation and contribute to squeezing a slave from people In the name of higher and noble goals of development. In the first version, the authorities consider the internal lack of freedom of citizens as a political resource, in the second, civilized version — as a factor, the abuse of which the authorities seeks to exclude for all participants in the process. A normal state should stimulate the freedom of citizens.

As you know, the first path was chosen. The people put in line at the election bribe. «Ideological» tactics in such a field were simply not in demand, and those who relied on them lost. The result of the elections was the strengthening of the internal non -freedom of citizens of Armenia.