Insulation of the walls of the house from the inside: what you need to know

It is difficult to imagine today a truly comfortable house without the presence of an important component as thermal insulation. In order to provide it, you can use different methods. The largest area of ​​contact with the external environment is characteristic of walls. Therefore, their insulation is carried out primarily.

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You can warm the walls on both sides. A better result will be achieved if you place the heat -insulating material on the outer side of the walls. But the problem is that this method is characterized by the need for impressive expenses. Having conducted insulation from the inside, you can also get a good effect.

But you need to understand that in this case some of the space will be lost. To reduce “losses”, you need to use thin material. For example, it can be polystyrene foam. But since it burns, it should be additionally plastered. Then the effect will be even better.

With this method of insulation, it should be borne in mind that condensation on the surface of the walls may occur. The result of this may be the appearance of mold on their surface. Therefore, this method should be addressed only if external thermal insulation is completely impossible.