Given the factor that the mini farm, this is housing for animals, the interior wall decoration should be strong and durable. For this type of finish, it is rational to use enhanced plaster, or compositional putty. Before starting finishing work, to the surface of the wall, it is required to apply two layers of antibacterial primer, the drying time of the layers is 1-2 hours.
Compositional putty is prepared as follows: dry adhesive mixture for gluing ceramic tiles 2 parts, putty starting 1 part. Sand is not clay sifted 1 part, brand cement 500 0.2 part, water.
All components are mixed with the help of a construction mixer, to the consistency of sour cream of medium density, after which the spatula is applied to the surface of the wall, a strip of the width of which is 2 meters.
On the applied surface, a facade grid is glued, from the ceiling, to the base of the floor and is smoothed out by a spatula. If you also want to purchase trading equipment, Dnepropetrovsk is a city where you can purchase high -quality equipment for your business. Thus, all the internal walls of the mini farm are putty. When the applied layer of compositional putty dries completely, you need to apply another such layer on top of it, but without a facade mesh.