Iron Soviet curtain.

The Iron Soviet Curtain made for Russians not only foreign countries (except for socialist) and a variety of imported goods, but also many foreign technologies. The presence in the modern domestic industry of foreign technologies to consumers is clearly visible by the auto industry. Many of the so -called foreign cars on our streets are made in our country. Another example is education. Those whose children go to kindergarten may have heard about such a preschool education program as “Community”. And these are American advanced pedagogical technologies — the Washington program “STEP by STEP” (“Step by step”), which has taken root on our educational basis. And consumers (parents as representatives of the interests of their children) are very happy with her. If education is the field of personality formation, then medicine is the sphere of health maintenance. Innovation of advanced methods in healing is healing, getting rid of pain, returning the fullness and joy of life. Today we are not afraid to go to the dentist, because we know in advance — it will not hurt, and the result will be beautiful. One of the miracles of modern dentistry is tooth implantation. She not only became accessible, but also inexpensive. Hollywood smile now is not a problem. Moreover, high -quality implants of European production are implanted. The quality of the implant means its successful survival and long -term service of about thirty years. Those who already use various variants of prosthetics (bridge, crown, removable prosthesis) well know how significant this period is. Well, those who use removable prostheses even more clearly imagine what it is — the ability to actually replace them with new teeth. The advantage of implantation is also that it allows you to restore any number of teeth — not only a whole jaw, but also only one tooth. Previously, the loss of one tooth was compensated only with the bridge, and this affected at least two neighboring teeth. Now the implant is implanted in place of the lost tooth — the lost tooth is returned, and the neighboring ones are preserved healthy. The case is small — take advantage of unique opportunities and go to the doctor. It’s time for a long time!