Is the social package available in Ukrainian companies?

In only half of Ukrainian companies, employees are provided with a social package.

Judging by the reviews of the Biosphere Corporation, as well as other powerful companies, in most organizations it is available for all employees. Most often, it includes paying for travel, mobile communications, medical insurance and service equipment.

Rabota recruiting portal. UA interviewed a little less than 1,400 respondents from all over Ukraine working in different companies. It turned out that nearly half of them, the employer does not consider it necessary to provide a compensation package, and 51% of respondents said that he or their colleagues is available.

In 11% of cases, the social package is intended exclusively for top management, in 29% — it is used only by middle and senior managers, and in 58% of cases, not only selected categories of employees have such privileges, but all.

56% of Ukrainians do not believe that it was the compensation package that influenced their employment in this organization, but consider it as a pleasant bonus. But in 8% of cases, it is obviously equipped so thoughtfully that it is the main reason for continuing a career in this company.

The social package option includes mainly medical insurance (45%), service equipment or equipment (58%), gasoline or travel (47%) and payment of mobile communications (69%). About a third of the respondents receive gifts from the company for holidays (35%) and have an official car at their disposal (31%).

In more than 80% of cases, the choice of services is not provided — their list is limited and fixed, but if the employees themselves decided that to include in a social package, almost half would prefer a visit to the pool, gym, yoga or fitness, about 40% — payment of overtime overtime work and medical insurance, 34% — payment for training and food.