Labor team of the Institute «Lvivdoprokomunbud» is looking for protection from the mayor of Lviv

Employees of the Lvivdopromonbud project Institute created a strike committee to protect the institution from the encroachments of the city authorities. As the Lviv Portal was told at the Institute, the Lviv City Council, having decided to transfer Lvivdopomnbud from state property to communal, thus can destroy a successful enterprise.

“Deputies of the Lviv City Council, on non -planned provision of the city chairman of Lviv Andrei Sadovoy, decided to transfer the enterprise from state property to communal and withdrawn the SE“ Lionvid Pro -Komonbud ”from the subordination. Such a decision was outraged by the team of the institute. The institute over the past years increases the design volumes, with the help of the ministry during the crisis, it has full load, when most design institutes work one day a week. It is not clear why a profitable enterprise must be transferred to communal property, not in order to use the work of the institute free of charge and bring it to such a state as all utilities. The Institute performs design work throughout Ukraine and it is impossible to make it dependent on a particular city or official, ”the Labor team says to the Minister of Minzhilkomunkhoz A. Popov.

Employees of the Institute ask the minister to study the issue of the feasibility of transferring the DP “Lionvdyprokomunbud” from the sphere of the Minzhilkammunkhoz Office to Communal Property. They turned for help and to the chairman of the Lviv regional organization of employees of housing and communal services, local industry, and consumer services of the population of Ukraine B. Goat.

“The team of the institute is deeply sure that the transfer of the institute into communal property will lead to the complete collapse and destruction of the institute. The Labor team of the State Enterprise «Lvivdopromunbud» will not allow this and will use all the possibilities — from the strike to attracting the press. The team of the institute asks you to contact the mayor of the city a. Sadovoy, to the Minzhilkomunkhoz on the inappropriateness of the transfer of the GP «Lvivdiproomunbud» from state to communal property, «the letter to B. Goat.

Together, employees of the Institute express suspicions that the decision to transfer to “Lionvidipomonbud” into communal property was dictated by the interest of the city hall officials in an administrative building located in the city center.

Therefore, in order to protect the institute, the workers announced the pre -laborious state. They intend to meet with representatives of the deputy corps of the Lviv City Council and discuss the possibilities of protecting the institute from raider seizure.

According to the projects of the institute, the treatment facilities of the sewage system of Lviv, a water intake for Ivano-Frankivsk, a water supply system in Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne, Kolomyia, Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, Kharkov, Odessa, Perm. To date, the institute is working on a number of facilities for Euro 2012.