Liding for small and medium enterprises

Probably, everyone interested is already aware of what leasing is. If your business urgently needs to purchase transport, equipment or real estate (with the exception of land plots), there are not enough funds, and banks do not give a loan, then the best option is leasing. Leasing is direct and returnable, and the difference between them is the following.

Direct leasing is a kind of loan, only it is issued not by money, but by the necessary property for you. You yourself determine what exactly and from whom to purchase, the lessor pays from 70 to 90% of the purchase, and you pay the rest from your funds. Specialized companies or banks can act as a lessor.

After that, the acquired property is transferred to you to long -term lease, provided that the gradual redemption and, in the end, becomes your property. Typically, the leasing agreement is concluded for 3-5 years-the higher the value of the property, the longer the term of the contract.

Refusal leasing differs from direct in that you already own expensive equipment or technical construction and sell it to the leasing company on the condition that it rents it out with the right to subsequent redemption. Thus, your disposal is a significant amount of money, and you continue to use the same property that will subsequently return to your property.

Leasing conditions are not much different from the requirements for small and medium -sized businesses when applying for a loan. The main criteria are the following:

• The deadline for the market (at least 1 year),

• the amount of revenue (for the last financial year, it should be 2-2.5 times higher than the amount of payments on leasing excluding VAT and advance payment),

• number of personnel of the enterprise,

• Asset,

• ratio of accounts and receivables.

The pluses of financing according to the leasing scheme include the following:

• receipt of fixed assets that are not removed from the turnover;

• the possibility of expanding the scale of activity or modernization of production without removing funds from circulation;

• property acquired by leasing is cheaper than bought on credit, since leasing payments are below banking interest;

• saving on taxes (the taxable income tax base is reduced, and since the property is transferred only for use, it is not listed on the balance sheet and, therefore, is not subject to taxation);

• The short period of consideration of the application-after the submission of all the required documents, it will be 1-3 days, and if we are talking about a large property complex-7-14 days.

In addition, when an agreement is concluded, for example, for leasing of transport, it is amortized in an accelerated manner and as a result you will get it with a minimum residual value, which allows you to save on property tax.

Minuses have a minimum at least: when obtaining property in leasing, you have to pay up to a third of its value, in addition, leasing companies will demand to insure property transferred to leasing.