Making a foundation for a cottage.

The strip foundation is one of the most common species. Its creation does not require a lot of time and a large investment of finance.

Making the foundation of this type includes the following stages:

1) marking of the site and soil development: for markings, pegs are used, they are driven in the outer corners of the future building, combined with a cord with a cord; They start digging trenches, to save strength, you can use an excavator; When performing excavation, the buildings (type, weight, height) and climate features are taken into account;

2) the creation of a sand pillow: it is necessary to level the surface, especially if the soil is heterogeneous or uneven; Its characteristics are influenced by the climate, the parameters of the site, the skill of builders; The thicker the pillow, the lower the level of deformation of the foundation; The thickness of the base should be approximately three times the height of the powder;

3) concrete work: first, to increase the strength of concrete, it is necessary to make a frame consisting of reinforcement driven into the ground, to which horizontal reinforcement is tied with a soft knitting wire, and small crosses are attached to it every 20-30 cm; mix a solution consisting of cement, sand and crushed stone (1: 2: 4); This stage must be carried out in one day.

The correct and high -quality execution of each stage of the manufacture of the foundation for the cottage will help to achieve the necessary result.