Metal door, or how to protect your house.

Having started repairs in the apartment, it will not be superfluous to recall the replacement of the old front door with a new, stronger metal door. Today there is a huge selection of the entrance doors, so choosing exactly the one, it will not be difficult. Metal doors can be divided into three categories:

The first category includes doors made of high -quality materials, however, the lock in them is not a reliable. These doors are perfect for apartments, the main thing is that there would be an intercom on the door in the entrance. If the thief aimed at your apartment, seeing a metal door, he will probably give up his plans.

The second category includes doors made of very thick sheets of metal, which cannot be broken with a simple hammer or sledgehammer. Such a door can only be hacked with special electrical tools.

The third category includes doors whose boxes are mounted in walls, floor and ceiling. Such a door is absolutely not amenable to hacking, even when using an autogen. Its castles system puts forward metal pins not only in one direction, but in all four directions. The only disadvantage of such a door is its price. However, having spent a large amount once, you can sleep peacefully all your life. Metal door should not look boring. Such doors are finished with wood, covered with skin or painted. Most metal doors are made with insulation, so such a door will become not only protection from thieves, but also from the cold.