Modern materials for the construction of a cottage or a country house.

The end of the last century and the beginning of the 21st century is distinguished by the widest choice of building materials for country houses. These are traditional — wood and brick, and many new developments. Such, for example, composite blocks or panels made of polystyrene foam. In this material, we made a review of popular building materials that are used in the construction of a modern country house.


Today, building materials made of wood are the most popular and expensive. This applies to structural materials and materials for decoration — buy a parquet currently a completely expensive lesson.

The main advantages:- environmental friendliness;- energy efficiency- long service life;- repayable;- possibility of reuse.

The most common in construction used a galvanized log and a beam.

Galled log

A galvanized log is a machined log with the same diameter along the entire length. The construction uses galvanized logs of larch, spruce, fir, but most often from pine, since it is the least prone to rot. Diameter logs — 180-260 mm.


The beam, unlike galvanized logs, was processed by four kanta. Trees of various breeds are also used for the manufacture of timber. The thickness of the timber for the construction of houses is 134-204 mm.

For durability, wooden building materials are impregnated with antiseptics, and the finished building is also covered with special compounds that are protected from negative atmospheric effects.