As a ceiling design, a rack ceiling (a variety of suspended ceilings), which has aluminum rails covered with varnish, is in great demand. On such ceilings, it is possible to divide the lighting into the sections. They also enhance the quality of noise — and thermal insulation.

The river ceiling is easily mounted. With the help of the so -called spokes, the rails are suspended to the ceiling itself. In buildings where it is planned to strengthen acoustic properties, all -metal ceilings are installed. In the interval, which remains between the rack base and the ceiling, communications are held and lighting is placed. There are rack ceilings that are similar to the lining by the installation method, they are called closed. If a gap of 1-1.5 cm is formed between the rails., then these are open ceilings. Installed in rooms more than three meters high. The third type of rack ceilings — Bright. Reed ceilings for an individual order can be painted, matte or glossy. Reese ceilings are easy to operate and installed, durable, moisture -resistant and fireproof. Made materials that are absolutely not harmful to a person.