Sealing defects of wall angles%%: how to do it yourself

During the skin of the walls, chips can form at the corners, which make them uneven and ugly. This defect can be easily fixed on your own. To do this, just stock up on a knife, spatula and fine -grained sandpaper. In the place where the corner crack is located, the edges of the chip. The surface is cleared and all unnecessary. After that, the defect is wiped with sandpaper and prepared for sealing.

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The angle in the place of crack is sealed with painting tape and then putty along the entire length. In this case, the spatula must be slightly pressed at the edge of the walls, in order to get a smooth surface as a result. After application, the solution in the corner should dry, and the next two layers can be applied. In the end, the cooked angle and the site around it should be fierce with sandpaper. This must be done in such a way that as a result get an even angle. The finished surface must be primed. Otherwise, the finishing material that will be applied to the cashed part of the wall will fall poorly and eventually lag behind the surface. This repair will avoid full -scale repair work. The main thing is to notice the defect and eliminate it in a timely manner.