Sealing seams

All living post -Soviet space is for the most part a house for at least 20 years. There are, of course, lucky ones who live in modern buildings, where climatic temperature changes are taken into account, there is additional insulation, and the seams between blocks, panels, brick entrances are hermetically insulated.

But, given the professionalism of builders, such houses are still units.

Apartment building — a whole system. How do not insulate a separate apartment, without sealing the seams cannot be achieved 100 % of a positive result. Then, as this work is correctly completed, it allows you to increase the temperature in the apartment by 3-4 degrees. In this case, dampness will immediately disappear and its consequence — mold.

In old houses, block or panel types, the seams are covered with a solution and, at best, are covered with a metal frame. For high -quality sealing the seams in this case, it is necessary to remove the remaining solutions. Do it better in the summer. Then the open space will dry as much as possible. The next step of high -quality sealing of the seams is to place the insulation in the prepared space. After which the seam is processed by a special hermetic tool.

Primary sealing of seams is recommended even in new houses. It is better to invest certain funds, but to maintain your family’s health and not make repairs after each winter.

Companies that offer such services are becoming more and more. You can choose who to turn to, after a conversation with the residents, where seam sealing was carried out. If they are satisfied, then you should try. With qualitatively completed work, sealing seams should only bring a positive result