Some tips for the construction of a Russian bathhouse

Some consider the construction of baths to something frivolous, not requiring baggage of knowledge and experience.

Like, what are the log cabins — not to build a mansion. But, if you need a bathhouse, and not just a place to wash, you need to know exactly how not only to arrange a steam room, but also a place to relax after brooms.

In the article we want to talk about several subtleties that distinguish a normal Russian bath from what homegrown «craftsmen» can make.

As practice shows (without based on old data that the bath is not needed) in order for the bath to be strong and stable, it needs the foundation. Tape, because the load on it is minimal. It is advisable to equip it below the depth of freezing of the soil.

If there is no way to build a wooden bath, facing a brick structure with a laundry stone that perfectly retains heat. When installing the ceiling, you should think about its strength, lightness and fire resistance. If a tree is used, it should be treated with a normal fire resistant primer (you should not give preference to synthetic, since it can give out harmful evaporates at elevated temperatures). Also, this primer should be processed and the entire wooden part of the bath.

In order for the bath to «hold» heat normally, she needs clay coating. Such vapor barrier should be at least two centimeters of thickness, using a wooden chip in it. You can also add a cement, a layer of 20 centimeters on top of clay coating. A wooden chips are also welcomed here, like a vapor barrier.