Stretch and suspended ceilings: comparative characteristics

When you start building an apartment, there are many questions: what will the ceiling be? Stretch or suspended. This question in the repair of an apartment or building a house plays an important role. Like all others. You need to be sure that you made the right choice by choosing a particular ceiling. And for this it is necessary to consider all the positive and negative qualities of these ceilings. It is worth noting that high -quality suspended ceilings in the queen can be bought at the given link.

So, consider a suspended gypsum plastic ceiling. This is the cheapest of all suspended ceilings, so it is very often used. It can be of various shapes and colors. Can be straight and wavy, and how you will only wish. Another type of suspended ceilings consisting of plastic. They are light enough and they were not easy to install. When installing this ceiling, you can hide all the irregularities, as well as various cords (wiring, for example).The suspended ceiling from the racks can be made both in open and closed options. One of the main advantages of these ceilings: they retain color and shape for a long time. And now about stretch ceilings. They are much faster to establish that all of their above suspended. There are no joints on the stretch ceiling, which cannot be avoided when installing suspended ceilings. But with a hinged ceiling, it is quite difficult to replace the chandelier or other type of lighting.