Strip foundation and its other types under the bath

The strip foundation costs a little more than a columnar foundation. It must be built in the form of walls of continuous. It is made of laundry stone, reinforced concrete or concrete blocks, and red brick that has passed a good firing. The strip foundation is usually laid under heavy walls, unless of course the laying is expected shallow.

Boutor foundations are quite strong and durable. They are of different widths, which depends on the size of the future bath and its design. If the depth should be about 50 — 70 cm, then the foundation is laid to the full depth, and if the depth is large, then first, coarse -grained sand must be poured into the dug trench. A layer of sand must be poured with water and compacted with different tampings. Such a sand pillow should have a height of no more than half of the entire foundation. By the way, now many buy metal doors in Shchelkovo, they are inexpensive.

Butbic foundations are also considered very reliable. For fillers for him, they take crushed stone or gravel, you can waste broken brick. If the foundation needs to be laid about one meter, then at the bottom of the trench at first, a layer of solution is poured a few centimeters, after which fillers are placed in layers, while each layer of filler is watered with a liquid cement mortar.