Structure and staff of the organization

We continue to study the personnel document management of the enterprise. In the previous article, from this small cycle, we studied the main important documents that you need to have, and also examined what it is worth starting primarily when introducing all documents required by Russian legislation at the enterprise. This article will talk about how to document the structure and staff of the organization.

The structure and staff of the organization are described in three documents.

Document 1

Structure and staff. It serves to fix the structural units of the organization in the order of their significance in the functioning of the enterprise. In each of the structural units, it is necessary to indicate:

— positions of employees of the enterprise;

— subordination;

— number of regular units by position.

This document serves for the subsequent compilation of the staffing table.

Document 2

Staff schedule (it is also form T-3). This is one of the most important documents at the enterprise, according to it, the daily functioning of the company is built. It must be reflected in points such as:

— list of structural units;

— positions in subordination;

— the number of regular units in positions;

— official salary and allowance;

— Fund for wages for a month (on the organization as a whole and for individual positions).

Document 3

Stop placement

This is essentially the same staffing, but its working form, which, in addition to general information, included data on the surnames (with initials) of employees who occupy the positions given in the staffing table.

Do not assume that if you have compiled one of these documents, then the rest are simply not needed. Each of them must be available at the enterprise, and each of them can request employees from the labor inspectorate or other government agencies when checking.