That we lost in the 21st century

Technologies do not stand still. 21st century brought huge changes to our life. Both positive and negative. Tasks that were sometimes solved before for several days now solve in a matter of seconds. When I bought my old home computer, I only dreamed of four cores. Photoshop without plugins loaded for several minutes. Now, compared with the distant (by the standards of technology) 2005, everything flies!

But the latest time brought not only the pluses, and it is obvious. The children of the new century did not find this, and they live in a new time. But people who were born and part of their lives lived in the 20th century, no, no, and they are ponostalist according to the past times. What took from us the 21st century, what habits we have lost and what invisible wall erected this evil temporary foreman?

In the 21st century, we lost:

Punctuality. With a mass coming of mobile phones and traffic jams, we have lost the habit of coming during. You can always dial a number and warn about your delay. Some have learned to abuse this perfectly.

Free time. It just doesn’t have left. Now it is completely filled with the Internet. Computer entertainment has become more accessible than a new book, and do not make up such intellectual work.

Personal life. If you don’t get through to you on the mobile, then something happened to you! And you just have no right to relax from the phone.

The fundamental knowledge. Superficial knowledge will not replace a deep understanding of the book read. We are used to looking for a ready answer on the Internet, and are not used to finding out the causes and consequences. All this analyst is not interested in us. There is no time for this. Although there is a subjective plus in this.

While studying at college, I had one “timid” teacher with whom it was very difficult to argue. He “timidly” bent his line while he saw that free ears are drawn like a vacuum cleaner his verbal stream. But it was worth showing a bright thematic verbal beads on any mentioned topic, as it became noticeable that the teacher was embarrassed. He began to select words and became more careful in statements. Probably afraid of exposure.

Personally, with the advent of mobile phones, I refused a wristwatch.

Stopped storing abstracts and easily parted with some books. Why are extra deposits in the cabinets and on the shelves, if everything can be found on the Internet.

There was a lot of negativity on the Internet. Negative news is better remembered and have a greater resonance. The failed injustice will be discussed much longer and more fiercely than a charitable campaign in an orphanage.

Many prohibitions collapsed. Pornography has become available to children.

If the Internet is nearby — everything, consider, is not a job. When I am at home, I can’t focus on work. I am constantly distracted by contact, tweeter and all sorts of flashing buttons.

Youth (including me) became unreasonably advanced. I’m so cool, I have a mobile phone and the Internet, I know how to turn it on! Papa Banker at the factory, mom is an accountant by train, I go to a gold diploma, I study in a cooperative. YOU!

Personally, I do not have enough spiritual communication and warm light in the eyes of passers -by on the street.

Well, and another 21st century took me a healthy full -fledged eight -hour sleep.

And why do you nostalgic?