The construction industry goes out of the crisis

According to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, the crisis has not yet been overcome, and crisis phenomena are observed not only in the Russian, but also in the global economy, including in leading developed countries.

Most likely, in the coming years we will have low growth in the economy, since the result of major crises should be structural changes in the economy, as well as in the regulation of national and world markets. Since the crisis has a global scale, the methods of regulating markets are still being developed. This is a task of more than one year.

A. Kudrin believes that in the Russian economy it has not yet been able to overcome key imbalances, and the dependence on oil exports even intensified. Suffice it to say that if about 6-7% of oil and gas exports were spent on budget export in 2008, now this figure has increased to 13-14%.

In general, the real sector entered the pre -crisis level, although in many sectors, including construction, a lag is observed. The Prime Minister did not have the opportunity to dwell on the situation in the construction industry, but it should be noted that it is still gradually stabilizing and slowly but correctly returns to pre-crisis volumes.

This is due to the need to increase the pace of housing construction, which “draws” and related industries, including the production of building materials. If in a crisis period this production has largely reduced its volumes, today it is such types as, for example, the manufacture of a cinder block is growing steadily.

Many building sector companies managed to withstand the difficult conditions of the crisis, and today they demonstrate the dynamic development and growth of production volumes. This is facilitated by the active construction of country houses and cottage villages, low -rise construction, which requires the supply of building materials, so the companies engaged in this sector of the economy increase production volumes, and the production of a cinder block is also increasing.