The Council of Europe recommends not to use the words «father» and «mother»

The European Council recommends that all its 47 members abandon official appeals using the words “father” and “mother”, proclaiming the reason for the fight against sexism, the German Die Welt writes.

The similar resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe states that the idea of ​​housewives as a traditional model of behavior of women is a complete equal rights.

Initially, the initiative to remove the word “father” and “mother” from the dictionary belongs to the representative of the socialist party of Switzerland Doris Shtump —

The so -called «neutral dictionary», leveling the natural differences of roles of men and women as fathers and mothers, is now commonly in Switzerland. Local officials, in particular, in the capital, replace the words “father” and “mother” with “parent” or do without them.

It should be noted that Europe is not the first time trying to equalize men and women in rights and obligations, now at the legislative level. So, in 2006, France proposed destroying the appeal «Mademoiselle», used in relation to an unmarried girl, replacing it with Madame, addressed as respectful to a married woman. The emancipated French women considered it unfair that the fact of their marriage is reflected by the very verbal appeal, while men are addressed the same way — “Monsieur” — regardless of the matrimonial status. In addition, some proposed to remove from official documents to the column «maiden surname».

A similar separation exists in English. Unmarried girls — “miss”, married ladies — “mrs.”. To avoid confrontation with feminists, the abbreviation MS is used in official documents in both cases. (although for «Mrs.» the original abbreviation was «MRS.» — approx. per.).

However, such initiatives always have many opponents. They believe that the erasure of borders between men and women given by God will lead to a deterioration of the already negative situation with demography in European society.