The house that built ..

When society has reached a level of development at which people began to specialize in crafts and professions, professional builders appeared. At first they built individually for direct customers. But at the moment when the cities (the most ancient!) began to turn into “megacities”, and in the construction business, the developed typical technologies appeared — the builders realized that you can make good money on this. And began to build «for the future» — for sale.

On July 1, the “transition period” was completed after which 21 municipality, 19 rural and urban and settlements, previously located as part of the Moscow Region, were included in the city of Moscow. In addition, there was a territorial exchange. Moscow received part of the lands of the Krasnogorsk and Odintsovo districts, and the Moscow Region in return — a good plot in Kurkino. Almost Moscow directly went to the Kaluga region.

The fact of the expansion of the metropolitan territory itself did not surprise anyone and not alarmed, except for the owners of various real estate on the joined lands, and local developers. But they were also reassured, announcing that “all property rights are legitimate” (Deputy Head of the Department of Rosreestr Ilya Krasner). And the rest of the residents of New Moscow were even satisfied, hoping that they would soon be introduced to Moscow privileges. Municipal allowances for pensions, benefits, salaries of teachers and doctors — for example.

Another thing is more interesting.

They decided to increase the capital at the expense of the lands of the South-Western Moscow Region. Why not eastern, or-northeast? Now any schoolboy knows that the most prestigious and expensive enclaves of real estate (especially residential) are located in the western and southwestern districts of Moscow. There is the best ecology, and untouched natural landscapes, good transport infrastructure have also been preserved. The capital has long been experiencing a chronic housing shortage of «economy-class». Despite the serious efforts of the new administration in this direction, to change something radically in a year-two-it is hardly possible.

In addition to time, extensive areas for fast and cheap complex (and not expensive «point») development are needed. But something is not very believed that the powerful «elite» developers will pass by such interesting natural attractions. And the «New Russian» direction will be given to «socially significant housing». And it’s not about someone’s evil intent. Just the city needs money. Many. Objectively — needed. And you can’t earn much on the «Economics». Quickly large income to the city treasury brings only the buildings of the Hai-Class. This is all over the world, not only in Moscow or — in Russia. Just why not say it directly about it?

And, in addition, expensive residential real estate after the crisis stopped growing in price «steadily». And periodically demonstrates serious «course fluctuations». Many owners who felt instability, hastened to sell real estate until the prices finally fell and invest money in more stable assets.

Or maybe it is better to create a natural «national park» there? And let «their» their «(Muscovites, that is) for free, and the rest — for money. Symbolic.

However, there are miracles in this world sometimes. Let’s see.