The mayor admitted how much Moscow water is more expensive

Today, the administration of the city of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region will host a meeting on the construction of treatment facilities, — the mayor of the city Vitaly Panamorenko reported at a meeting with reporters, answering questions from the editor -in -chief of the Open Line newspaper Alla Kartzhan about connecting Dzerzhinsky to Mosvodokanal. At the same time, Vitaly Panamorenko to the question of how much Moscow water for the population would cost very evasively. We give a complete fragment of the conversation. Vitaly Panamorenko’s meeting with journalists and the public is planning to show in the Open Conversation program on Ugrasha-TV on Thursday December 18 at 20.30.

Alla Kechejan: In the case of a mosvodokanal — aren’t you acting as a merchant? Vitaly Panamorenko: Commerce what? The fact that for 2015 the city, without investing a penny, will receive the first deliveries with clean water? It’s true. Here I was able to agree in my direction. 2016-2017-Yes, we will already finance construction there. First site — you go and tell me: show us, let us try water, then we will go further with you. There is a commerce here. From a different point of view, this is not commerce. Alla Kechejan: Artesian water cheaper. Vitaly Panamorenko: Not cheaper, she is not. If you compare, then two different waters. When Viktor Ivanovich was brought to the studio a bottle of dirty water? 1997. 17 years have passed, and brought it even earlier. This is all except chatter, no one decided. Neither Viktor Ivanovich — a serious politician, nor Alexey Nikolaevich. Everyone complains. I go to Moscow and communicate. They ask me only one question: and there the water is rusty. They don’t know anything about Dzerzhinka, they only know that rusty water. Alla Kechejan: Are filters and replacing pipes not cheaper?

Vitaly Panamorenko: We have already tried everything. There is no such thing that nothing has done anything during these 17 years. Thought what they did not try. Alla Kechejan: They have never changed the pipes. 42 kilometers of the pipe — how much they changed it? Vitaly Panamorenko: NO FILDERS, nothing. I say once again: the chatter remained chatter. Because globally no one solved this problem. Alla Kechejan: How much more this water will be for the population? Vitaly Panamorenko: I can’t count exactly now. Yes, it will be more expensive, but in the payment itself it will not be noticeable. In relation to the cost of the water itself, it will probably be 15-20% more expensive. Alla Kechejan: And how money is distributed? They go to the mosvodokanal? Vitaly Panamorenko: Mosvodokanal holds his water. There is a counter, and the city pays for this water. This is exactly the same as with treatment. What kind of search do we have. And the Americans will come, and the Germans will come, and build themselves, and the region will give money, the federals will give money. 20 years have passed, and what has moved? Until I called Leonid Nikolayevich. Asked: you want to run the house? Want. We must develop and build. Alla Kechejan: Why only he? Isn’t anyone building anymore? Vitaly Panamoerenko: Really and specifically now — only he. He wants to rent his homes. The next and others will go, they will also do the sewage. He will take some kind of site for himself and will do, not all sewers. The Earth has already been allocated. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, when we begin to specifically dig a pit. But you can also these theories — now we will wait with this crisis. Alla Kechejan: But they said that the mosvodokanal as an encumbrance would make sewers. At least it was where they came: in the same Lyubertsy. Vitaly Panamorenko: They will do something, but it will cost more. They have other prices. Water is now more expensive, even a sewer. Alla Kechejan: And Fobos will do it for free? Vitaly Panamorenko: Fobos is our city enterprise, we will do it ourselves. Figuratively speaking, he builds for himself. He launches such a power, so he will build.