The most fashionable material is decorative plaster: how to use

Anyone who loves unusual wall decor will surely appreciate the possibilities of decorative plaster. It happens either already colored or without paint, so the paint is no longer applied on top of it.

First, spray and primer the walls. It is made rough for better adhesion with the next decorative layer.

The decorative layer is applied by the sandwich method, that is, first a decorative layer, then a solution, then again a decorative layer, and so on until you get the desired thickness.

Types of decorative plaster: stone; terrazite; Laundice-Peschanaya; sgraffito.

Each of the plasters has its own characteristics of application and decor, so if you want to get high -quality decoration and wall decoration, contact professionals.

The most interesting stucco sgrafito. It is multi -color, and each layer of such plaster has its own color. The solution is performed with additives of quartz sand, which gives the plaster an additional shine.

The image is applied to the seized solution in the form of a stencil, and then remove the excess, exposing the lower layers of paint. It is such plaster that is very interesting for creating unusual drawings, paintings and plots.