The specifics of houses and cottages from glued beams: what you need to know

Today, the construction market will present to customers many offers for the construction of cottages.

Recently, many companies have begun to use more the number of business cards, but not everyone knows where to buy them cheaper.

As a rule, suburban houses are made of wood, it is considered environmentally friendly natural raw materials. However, the tree still absorbs humidity or drys out, which leads to the «settlement» of the house, to the cracks in the walls.

Houses built from glued beams are more durable, the shrinkage is given only by 1.5 cm. Among the advantages of such houses are that they do not rot, easy to assemble, adsorbites smells in the room. Thanks to special impregnation, such houses do not burn, do not crack, have an aesthetic appearance, and also do not need to be finished.

Choosing an unreliable developer, you can feel the disadvantages of glued timber. A hard -quality timber will subsequently lead to the formation of cracks, which is difficult to get rid of.

When performing the assembly of the house, there is a danger of significantly stain the beam.

Low quality raw materials, without special impregnations, unreliable and dangerous, unstable to the fire, is afraid of the bark beetle.

Experts recommend leading the bars for greater safety. It is clear that you need to seriously take the search for specialists and suppliers of high -quality timber. The design and construction of a house from glued beams, as a rule, takes 10 days.