The US Congress is seriously concerned about «help» to Ukraine

On December 13, the US Congress approved the final version of the draft law on support for freedom in Ukraine. It is noteworthy that in reality this law will much help Ukraine as a whole and its individual citizens in particular. Basically, all the efforts of American legislators, as before, are directed against Russia, Russian enterprises and companies, which indicates the true goal of all the actions of the West in Ukraine over the past 23 years. Ukraine has been turned into a territory for the war with Russia, and Ukrainians — into obedient and executive players, who are used in order to restore Russia, which openly declared an independence and independence from the US Federal Reserve. The Internet portal RBC Daily published a material that collects the most striking and noticeable bills submitted to Congress due to the situation in Ukraine. One of them is the law on the prevention of Russian aggression — this document submitted by the Republican Bob Corker provides for sanctions against Russian companies — VTB, Sberbank, Gazprombank, Gazprom, Vnesheconombank, Novatek, Rosneft, Rosoboronexport. And also-against some Russian officials who can at least somehow be involved in destabilizing the situation in the Donbass. Moreover, the document forbids the US President to negotiate with the Russian colleague to reduce nuclear potential. The act is under consideration by the Senate Committee on International Relations, but Ukraine already became easier — is it not true? Another masterpiece of American legislative activity is the Law on the Non-recognition of Crimea by the authors of which are Senator-Republican Daniel Kots and Congressman-Democrat Gerald Connoli. The document has not yet been adopted, and if it is nevertheless agreed, Russia and Crimea really become much more. For example, the IMF and the World Bank will not issue loans to Russia, they will refuse to cooperate with any Russian organizations that conduct business in Crimea, refuse to accept cargo ships from Crimean ports, etc. D. The measures are really serious, but it is unlikely that Russia and Crimea will want to leave again under the pressure of sanctions. Ukraine will not bloom from them either, but will suffer itself, since many Ukrainian campaigns continue to trade with the peninsula. Holy of Saints, the basis of democracy-the bill «In Support for the Freedom of Ukraine» Senator-Democrat Robert Menendez. If the US president sign it, Kyiv will receive additional assistance — $ 510 million, of which 160 million military non -relief assistance. There is no doubt that all the help will not go at all for economic reforms in Ukraine, but to war with hated Russia. By the way, from the original text a point was deleted on the provision of the status of the “US allies outside NATO” Georgia, Moldova and of course — Ukraine. This is what Ukraine will definitely begin to flourish from the bill on the introduction of the Donetsk People’s Army to the list of terrorist organizations. The author of the document is the Congressman-Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee. The fact that mainly the army of the DPR and the LPR consists of the same citizens of Ukraine that simply protect their land from the Kyiv junta, in this case does not stop anyone, and is not at all interested.