They honored social workers

On Monday, in the State Duma «Shakhtar» their professional holiday was celebrated by social workers of the city of Donetsk. People who give the warmth of the soul in need of kindness were congratulated by the first deputy head of the city administration a. IN. Temnikova. Having wished them health, family well -being and good, Anna Vasilievna said:

— Low bow to you for cordiality!

And then a. IN. Temnikova fulfilled a solemn mission of awarding the best representatives of this humane profession. Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Rostov Region, letters of thanks from the city administration were received by Deputy Director of the Center for Social Service of the population. IN. Safronova, Deputy Head of the USZN T. AND. Wide, employees of the state institution «Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children» T. IN. Kugatova, l. IN. Serova, n. A. Kulikova, head of the ritual services workshop “delivery of pensions and benefits” in. G. Romanova, chief specialist of the mustache n. IN. Sheremet, many others. Certificates of honor of the Office of the Pension Fund of the Rostov Region were awarded by specialists of the Pension Fund Department for G. Donetsk Rostov Region E. IN. Manokhina, a. A. Tkachenko.

A. A. Vaida also very warmly greeted the gathered women (and representatives of the professions of the social sphere are mainly they) and, on behalf of deputies of the City Duma, handed honorary letters and flowers to the head. AND. Pligina, head of the department No. 10 of the Center for Social Services with. N. Piseukova, specialist of the MUP «Delivery of pensions and benefits» n. IN. Troyanova, others.

Deputy Secretary of the Political Council of the local branch of the party «United Russia» L. G. Logina handed the gratitude of the United Russia party to the Director of the CSO n. N. Lysenko, specialists: USZN O. A. Biryukova l. G. Rudich, Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children a. I. Yankovskaya, MUP «Delivery of pensions and benefits» l. M. Yatsenko.

The Chairman of the City Council of War and Labor Veterans in Work in the. T. Ryzhkov. With great gratitude, members of the Council of Veterans presented flowers to social workers.

And after the performance of the head of social protection of the population in. AND. Pligina, her sincere words of gratitude to social workers took place a big concert.

At the beginning of the concert, the spectators were presented by young participants in the amateur performances of our city Esenia Kovalenko, Ilya Polopanov, a dance team of the Alenushka kindergarten. Then the scene was provided to guests — artists of the Rostov Musical Theater. The well -known romances “Wort”, “Night is bright”, other works were brilliantly performed by Honored Artist Nadezhda Karapetyan, Joan of Strauss — diplomats of international competitions of the wife Ekaterina Makarova and Pavel Krasnov.

The concert lasted more than an hour. The applause of the audience drowned out loud «bravo!», Huge bouquets of roses and peonies were handed over to the stage. The artists of the music theater were delighted with such a warm technique (in an interview with the observer of the “Donetsk worker” they did not hide this), and social workers thanked the organizers of the meeting for such an original gift.