Ukrainian cities are catastrophically lacking toilets

Sanitary norms require that on all road tracks, on all busy streets and squares, railway and road stations, stations, in places of mass recreation, in shopping centers and in the markets there were toilets. However, in reality, everything is far from the case. For example, in such a big city as Lviv, there should be 740 public toilets. The city authorities were going to build 28 new stationary toilets in 2015-2016, to repair 10 available, to establish the 32nd modular restrooms, but these plans were never implemented.

In Kyiv, there are 410 public toilets in Kiev. On the balance sheet of KP «Kievwodfond» there are 87 public toilets, of which only 39 work all year round, and in the summer their number increases to 43. And this situation is observed in all Ukrainian cities. Only during the days of mass holidays in cities you can see additional closets of dry closets.

In all European cities, finding a toilet will not be difficult, unlike Ukraine. To go to the toilet of any cafe or restaurant there is not considered something indecent there. In our country, in all state institutions and centers, you can see the signs “only for workers”, and in restaurants and bars “only for visitors”. What to say, even in the Kyiv subway not at all stations there are toilets.

Even many schools still have no internal bathrooms. True, the authorities promised by the end of 2017 to solve this problem. If by January 2016 there were not enough about 3 thousand schools in schools. toilets, by September 1 thousand were equipped. bathrooms, and by the end of the year they promise to create another 1 thousand. toilets.

Research shortages from Oktobiz can solve the problem of deficiency of stationary toilets. This company specializes in the construction, manufacture and sale of toilet cabins, portable dry closets, disinfecting and disodorous means. Oktobiz’s toilet cabins can be connected to the sewer and placed anywhere, since they occupy a small area. There are even collapsible models that you can carry with you to the country or to the resting place.