Using foam concrete in construction: Features

Today, concrete is used for the structure of residential premises. The main source materials for the production of concrete are water, sand and cement. Concrete is distinguished both by filler and weight, so they distinguish light, cellular and heavy. Often in construction, such material as foam concrete is also used. It is used in each of the elements of the structure. For the production of foam blocks, elements such as cement and water, different fillers or foaming agents are needed. It is found in the form of blocks, as well as in liquid form. Recently, a two -pipe heating system is often used. The price is average.

High density of foam concrete is used in the structure of the foundation or floor overlap. This material has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is a highly reliable material. It is an almost unlimited substance. Somewhere around 40-60% in the composition of foam concrete, it occupies air, so this material is characterized by very high thermal protection, which makes it possible to save on heating this building.

Foam concrete is also distinguished by high sound insulation. This is an environmentally friendly product, because during operation it is not released toxic substances. This material also differs in the simplicity of processing, therefore, with its help, unique ideas and intentions of the interior are implemented.