Wallpaper sticker

The wallpaper is the most common and relevant method of decorating walls and ceilings at the moment. Regardless of the texture and material of the manufacture of wallpaper by pasting the surfaces, the same occurs. There are several ways to glue wallpaper: overlap and imprisonment. In the first case, each subsequent panel is applied to the previous overlap. Therefore, it is important to glue the first canvas strictly vertically, relative to the wall, and go from the window into the depths of the room so that the shadow created by the edge does not reinforce the seam visually. To make the angle of the wall purely bred, the last cloth of the wall is left with a gap of 3-5 cm.

The canvas of the adjacent wall is glued to the corner to the corner, thus, it, blocking the abandoned clearance, provides a perfectly glued angle. Playing wallpapers impetally differs from the wallpaper sticker, only in that the wallpaper is tightly in contact with each other, unlike the first case, when the subsequent canvas slightly leaning on the previous one. After gluing the panel to the surface, it is necessary to carefully and carefully smooth it in order to avoid the formation of bubbles or other irregularities. It is impossible to ventilate the pasted room with wallpaper, it is necessary to wait for the glue to complete.