We independently repair the cracks in the facade of the house

Today you will find out how you need to close the cracks in the facade of the house. Firstly, it should be said that such repairs should begin in the warm season, so that the walls are not dry.

The location of the cracks can be found using a candle. It must be ignited and brought to the alleged places of repair. Then you should process all the places through which the air can seep. It can be the place where the telephone and television cables pass.

If you find that the air passes from under the skirting boards, then it is necessary to close the cracks between the floor and the skirting board. At the same time, before that, it is necessary to fill out the intervals with foam. It can then be cut off. Then you need to make efforts and insert a polymer cord into the cracks. Just remember that the gap must be left along the perimeter of the floor, in case the boards are dry and increased in size. However, there is currently such a tool as neoprene. It helps to maintain heat in the house and does not interfere with the expansion of the boards. This material can also be used when the cracks appear between the floor and skirting boards. Neoprene will also perfectly eliminate all deep cracks.

We hope that this article will tell and help you get rid and repair the cracks outside your home, as well as inside. We wish you good luck and success in this hard work! All the best!