We must develop what we already know how to do

Recently, the third All-Russian Karginsky Conference «Polymers-2018» took place in Moscow. Armenia was represented by specialists of the NII Plastropolimer GZAO, led by the director of the institute, to. X. n. Patvakan Voskanyan, whom we asked to share my impressions. — The third Kargin conference, whose work was attended by about 800 people, being Russian status, was essentially international. Among the participants were scientists from Russia, Russian -speaking scientists from the CIS countries and far abroad. The conference was held at Moscow State University. M. IN. Lomonosov and was dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the University.

There were many graduates of Moscow State University among the conference participants. The conference was organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Chemistry and Sciences of Materials, Moscow State University. M. IN. Lomonosov and the Russian Fund for Fundamental Research. At the conference, developments in the field of polymers conducted in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Armenia were well presented. The Institute «Plastropolimer» presented four stand reports in the section «Synthesis of polymers». I want to note that our trip (except me, the conference was also attended by the leading specialists of the institute — Zoya Pharmazyan and Derenik Karamyan) became possible thanks to the grant of the International Scientific and Technical Center.

By the way, this time in all reports the composition of the team that performed a particular development, as well as the source of financing, was clearly indicated in all reports. — What did you take out for yourself from this conference? — Today, in the field of polymers’ synthesis, it is already difficult to commit something revolutionarily new. However, a lot of new and interesting developments were also presented at the conference.

Two reports aroused universal interest. One of them concerned the development and use of polymer nanostructured materials (speaker E. Kumacheva). Today, such multilayer nanopolymers (the so -called sandwiches) are widely used in optics and other areas of technology. The second report that d. Likhachev concerned proton -conducting polymer membranes for fuel elements, and we know that today hydrogen energy is one of the most promising areas of science. Currently, there is a need for polymer membranes that would withstand the temperature of up to 200 degrees Celsius, and many scientists are working intensively on the problem of creating such polymeric materials. I must say that interest was also shown in our developments, especially in high molecular weight polyvinyl alcohol. In his report, the director of the Institute of New Polymer Materials, a Correral Member. Wounds a. Azerin expressed an interesting thought. He said that each of us should do what he knows well, t. e. It is necessary to develop those areas of science and industry (the so -called perpendicular directions), in which we have already achieved success and are competitive.

Today, with the already established international division of labor, you should not start something new, since we can no longer keep up with the West. I think this is the right approach, especially for Armenia. For example, we can do good cognac, rubber or tomato, so let’s do it so that no one can do better. And do not try to do what we do not know.