We returned!

We returned! Our country returns to the global market for grain export. This happened in the 2011-2012 season. Unlike the vulgar season, when, due to an abnormally hot summer, Russia could not become a competitor in this area. Now we take 4th place in the «general community» test, inferior to the USA, Argentina, Australia.

Over the past year, our exporters delivered about 28 million. tons of grain crops, almost 22 million. tons is wheat.

The largest buyers here were Egypt and Türkiye. Egyptians bought 7 million. 350 thousand. tons of Russian wheat.

The return to the Egyptian market of our wheat was not very easy. Initially, the Egyptian authorities refused to buy our wheat because of its high price. But our exporters managed to convince them not to abandon the Russian wheat. The most significant argument here was the transaction of the sale of Jordan 150 thousand tons of our wheat. The Egyptian authorities were worried and included Russian suppliers in the tender. 180 thousand tons of wheat from Russia were purchased.

Even more positions of our exporters intensified after the Egyptians introduced new rules in the issue of the import of wheat, which affected mainly our competitors, but not us. Strengthening measures to control the quality of the products of Russian exporters practically did not frighten and did not worsen their leading positions.

And only at the end of 2011 we had worthy competitors in the person of the European Union and Australia.

In 2012, changes began to occur in this market. Egyptians began to look for other grain suppliers due to increasing prices for our products. However, all these «body movements» were aimed only to at least slightly reduce the price. Egypt, of course, was not going to abandon the Russian wheat. And over the past season, the Egyptians bought products of our suppliers in the amount of 3.24 million. tons. For comparison, the Americans managed to sell 6 times less on this market.

And for the 2012-2013 season, the Egyptians plan to purchase about 10 million. tons of Russian grain. But the fact is that again the drought can prevent these plans to come true to life. However, the Government of the Russian Federation predicts that even despite the natural disasters that fell on our agriculture, we will take a worthy 5th place among the world suppliers of wheat.