What society should we live tomorrow?

Reading the news from the State Duma that our Duma was going to restore the institute of scammers again, I recalled that my father never discussed political topics on the bus. It was worth talking about something, he cut off the conversation with the words «let’s go and talk». And he started the conversation only when we turned off from the sidewalk to a little -leafed street. And a man went through a war, then trampled mines around Sakhalin for five years, five more years of explosive shit was taken out of explosive shit daily from the fields of battles around Liepaja. In that generation — who lived under Stalin — the danger of denunciation was a much greater danger than war or mine.

And this despite the fact that we lived then-in 70-80 g. G. — In Latvia, where the institute of scammers was essentially not formed, under Stalin the people lived little, and people had a slightly different mentality, not “communal”, and therefore on the one hand no one really discussed the new state, although not particularly Supported.

What can it turn out tomorrow in today’s Russia?

How much will allois are alloids («Master and Margarita» © M. Bulgakov) are in demand tomorrow? The fact that society is ready is not worth doubt. Some pupils of the «ours» movement are worth. As a rule, this generation, that it could not and could not become specialists, specific benefits — create a new missile, grow a crop, write a book, compose a song — they will not be able to, but they really want to distinguish themselves before the “Fatherland”. And the only way for people brought up in this spirit is to find the “enemies” that interfere with GDP growth, criticize Russia, disagree that the standard of living is growing or starting how much buckwheat or housing and communal services services cost in 2000 and how much it costs Today, despite the fact that the dollar rate relative to the ruble practically does not change, what bastards, you understand. . .

But it will become easier for law enforcement agencies. Today it is necessary to conduct some examinations to initiate the case — is there a call in a particular text or not? Or it may turn that some philologist or psychologist will not find in a comparative analysis of prices for 2000 and 2014 a hint that the authorities somehow do not lead the country and that it is worth changing it-because there may be an objective specialist?

Now there are no more problems — to attract a person will be enough:

3) messages or statements of individuals and (or) legal entities, as well as reports in the media;

4) materials received from state authorities and local governments;

5) the information indicating the intention of the person to commit an offense.

And if tomorrow one of the deputies comes to mind to encourage “informants”, say, a percentage of a fine for “inciting”?

Wrote and felt uneasy — because really our deputies can come up with such encouragement. If tomorrow to start the investigative actions there will be enough information, and in fact a reservation in the form of denunciation, then in a state where everything is considered money is a logical next step.

And all this happens with silence the majority of the «public», here to discuss the act of the same Faber — the act is stupid — when leaving prison, many rushed in the blogosphere.

And the adoption of the law, which tomorrow will make you look around on the streets, for some reason attracts little attention. But the last Odessa joke may be tomorrow, it will be necessary to talk with an eye on:

— Sarah, Sarah, heard Yanukovych’s last speech?

— Oh, you, God, Yarka Joy! In fact, the last?

Unfortunately, in our State Duma, this new law is not the last, but only, as the paratroopers say, the “extreme”. Despite the fact that the patience of society, the «people» is not yet visible.