Which metal tile to choose

In the market of modern roofing metal, it traditionally occupies leading places in popularity. But this is not surprising! After all, the roof covered with high -quality metal tiles will always look beautiful and with the right installation will never leak. However, the metal tile is currently represented by a very wide assortment of manufacturers, drawings and colors.

The fact is that in the Far East, the lion’s share of the entire metal tile is occupied by products produced on outdated equipment made of metal made in China. Naturally, such a metal tile is sold at a much lower price than a high -quality metal metal from certified metal.

The acquisition of this kind, to put it mildly, dubious metal tiles can entail a number of problems in further operation:

Firstly, the polymer coating of such a metal tile is quickly burned out and after 3-5 years such a roof will look unsightly,

Secondly, a galvanized coating of such a roof does not meet the requirements and such a tile quickly rusts,

Third metal tiles, produced on worn equipment, very often does not fall into the castle «.

So what kind of metal tile to choose, how to choose a metal tile correctly, so as not to bite your elbows in the future?

Or maybe you should turn your gaze towards a cheaper, but no less practical roof from corrugated board? After all, the prices for roofing corbids are slightly lower than prices for metal tiles. And at the price of the «Chinese» metal tiles you can take roofing corbids.