Yekaterinburg needs to include investors. Forest investors

Obtaining tax benefits and preferences can be earned by investing in projects related to forest development. Forestry is a new betting of regional officials, during the governor of Edward Rossel, this was not. The website of the regional Ministry of Industry posted a list of investment projects in the forest sphere for 15 cities in the region — in them it proposes to modernize roads in the forest, warehouses, as well as build new wood -making or logging plants, enterprises for the production of plywood, furniture and the like products.

Now the mechanism for the selection of applications has already been worked out: enterprises are preparing a concept, prescribe a deadline for the payback of the project, indicate the phased plan in its implementation and indicate the necessary amounts of funds. “The Ministry of Economics considers this application and. If it is approved, then includes in the list for priority investment projects of the region in forest development. This status, for the investor, gives the right to benefits regarding property tax and profit. He also receives state guarantees in obtaining loans and the right to rent a area of ​​forest outside the competition, ”the regional Ministry of Industry and Science inform.

But, according to Vladimir Anashkin, the director in the first forestry company, the search for investors for investing in such projects was very complicated at the end of the crisis. “One of our projects regarding the construction of production for the release of laminated wood and overall stoves is included in the Government Program. But this fact will not give us anything. Of course, the authorities will provide state guarantees in obtaining a loan up to 300 million rubles. But we need 2 billion rubles. In addition, we rely on the benefits of raw materials, forests, rent, but we have not yet received anything. All due to the fact that the project has not yet entered the stage of execution-we cannot find an investor. We offered a partnership to many of enterprises in the region, Russia and even Europe. In parallel, we prepared a site for construction, purchased property and equipment. We reached their application even to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, but, due to the fact that there is no co-investor, we were refused: let your project lie down, ”says Mr. Anashkin.