Advertisers may be obliged to pay «natural quitter»

On the recent “high advertising days in Minsk”, the new edition of the bill “On Advertising”, which entered the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, turned out to. If the document is adopted in the current form, then the advertisers will have to think again: is it worth it to continue to engage in this business?

But first about the trends and recent changes in the advertising market of Belarus. Over the past two years, this market has discovered a trend towards progressive development. New types of advertising were gradually being mastered, especially the Internet. There is a promotion of Belarusian brands. The works of domestic advertisers were awarded awards at the near and far abroad festivals.

According to the Association of Advertising Organizations of Belarus (ARO), the turnover in the domestic advertising market over the past year reached about $ 40 million. Director Aro Igor Samkin explains that “this is an average figure that is close to the real position. Someone estimates the capitalization of our market at 30–35 million, optimists talk about 45-50 million. We get something the mean arifmatic. According to our data, growth is approximately 20–25 percent per year. However, it is very difficult to actually assess the capitalization of the Belarusian advertising market. There is a lot of funds for this, and we, as a public organization, cannot afford this. «.

True, one of the organizers of the Congresses of Belarusian Advertising, Marketing and PR Valentin Lopan is of the opinion that «the whole reason is that Belarusian advertising agencies acted.». “They do not want to join forces in this direction. Perhaps they are afraid that the announced amounts will be too impressive. And this, in turn, will attract the attention of regulatory authorities. However, I believe that in any case there should be surprises from the state, ”concludes in. Lop. And he has every reason for this.

What did the «shabby Frenchmen» have done?

One of the latest “surprises” occurred after a memorable meeting of the President of Belarus regarding the work of modeling agencies. Then, recall, and. Lukashenko gave the order to replace the “shabby French women” on the advertising shields on domestic beauties. At first, all the advertisers were shocked. Budgets for next year are already reconciled, making adjustments is a difficult matter, always accompanied by emotions. However, over time, passions subsided, advertising producers received many orders, and they won. True, some foreign companies whose advertisements were built on the images of famous and well -recognized people in the whole world, were forced to turn their activities. Someone just refused Belarus, someone began to use other types of advertising.

Valentin Lopan believes that “if a large international TNC wants to place advertisements in Belarus, then she will have an extra 20 thousand dollars to make advertising specifically for Belarus”. “Another thing is that over the past couple of years, large corporations have turned their representative offices in Minsk, considering the Belarusian market not very promising”. Why — it is worthwhile to think about this not so much as advertisers as the government