Finland scientists have found a way to escape from obesity.

Finland scientists came to the conclusion that eating in small portions five times a day will significantly reduce the risk of excess weight, even if a person is predisposed to fullness.

It will also help preserve a slender figure of such a diet in which the body is saturated with full breakfast, lunch and dinner, and between them is content with two snacks. Anna Jauskelain, working at one of the universities of Finland, conducted a number of studies confirming the above, and she described her results in the doctoral dissertation. She also noted that it is necessary to fight obesity from an early age, while the whole family should be immersed in this process. Then the genetic predisposition to completeness will be suppressed by a healthy lifestyle and, especially, regular nutrition. During the study, Jauskelain studied the health of 4 thousand. Children of Finland. Moreover, the collection of information began, even when the child was not born and uploaded only at the age of 16. According to available information, scientists took into account the frequency of eating and the predisposition of genes to the fullness. Attention also paid attention to the presence of excess weight in the parents of the studied. As a result, the observations showed that children who adhered to regular fractional nutrition with 5 meals did not suffer from obesity, regardless of their gender and a genetic predisposition to fullness. However, studies have shown that both parents suffering from overweight significantly increase the risk of completeness in their children. The problem of overweight people are concerned not only by scientists, but also by many heads of state. And an effective struggle with completeness will be only when everyone thinks about his health and nutrition. You can start from going to a good nutritionist. It is better to choose it after reading reviews about medical centers on the Internet. However, often excess weight is gained not because of overeating, but due to hormonal disorders. In any case, only an experienced doctor can be diagnosed.