Industrial approach to house construction — solving the problem with providing housing

About sixty thousand logs (20 thousand cubic meters of forest) were spent on the construction of the city, all the workpieces for the future city were made so quickly that the builders even managed to try out each structure, collecting it in a single composition and numbered each log in detail. For four weeks, during which the construction of the city was carried out, an area of ​​150 hectares was processed, previously cleaned, aligned and covered with land (about 20 thousand cubic meters). Fortunately, in Russian chronicles, data on the talented construction manager — Zavodkovo Ivan Grigoryevich, who not only became the creator of the city project, but also conducted a workpiece, subsequent processing, the trial assembly of all structures, as well as the final installation of all structures in the city. Such an operational and brilliantly organized construction of the city at all stages is nothing more than a wonderful evidence that Russian masters were technically gifted personalities. Also in the annals there is a mention that during the reign of not only Ivan IV, but also Boris Godunov, they practiced the manufacture of houses of a wooden type “for future use”, designed for subsequent sale and transportation to another place. It is also known that after a terrible fire in Moscow, burnt -out sites were immediately “filled” with ready -made houses that needed to simply be assembled. Such a fast pace of construction was due to the fact that residents acquired ready -made houses right in city markets. Most often, the sale of houses was carried out at the Lubyan Bidding, as well as at the walls of the White City (current tube area).Therefore, we can safely conclude about the widespread prevalence of prefabricated wooden structures in Russia back in those days when in future Europe, and even more so in America, they did not even hear about such technologies. The first conversations about the application of the principles of the national team of the house in the West were indicated by the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, who was living in Italy in the Renaissance, who was famous for the whole world. Da Vinci proposed transporting houses and placing the entire structure in a certain sequence. In his opinion, such an action was quite easy to fulfill, since all structures were components that can be prepared in one place, and collected in a single composition in another. Until the end of the 15th century, the entire housing stock of Russian cities consisted mainly of wooden structures. There were so many forests that the appropriateness of wooden construction was not even mentioned. The fact of protecting forests and the nature of speech did not go until the reign of Peter I, who began to think about the development and improvement of mechanical sawing. On this occasion, already in 1691, the first sawmill appeared, the main essence of the work of which was the processing of logs by uniformly expelled from two sides. Subsequently, a decree was issued on the creation of three saw mills in the Arkhangelsk region. Subsequently, the development of frame construction was seven -mile steps and gained increasing popularity from Russians.