To whom the war and to whom the mother is relative: the crisis increased the number of Russian billionaires by 30% American magazine Forbes published its annual rating of the richest people of the planet. The analysis conducted by experts of an influential publication allows us to say that today there are 1210 people in the world, whose condition exceeds $ 1 billion. Among the richest people of the planet, the first place is traditionally occupied by US citizens, but the dynamics of the changes that have occurred in the ranking over the past year suggests that in the near future the Americans will be in doubt.

According to Forbes, a third of 1210 billionaires (413 people) are today US citizens. In the second and third places, businessmen from China and Russia — “delegated” in the rating of 115 and 101 billionaires confidently stay. Despite the impressive detachment of the United States in the number of richest people, the pace with which the number of billionaires in Russia and China is growing with American ones: over the past year, the number of billionaires of Vkita increased 47%, in Russia — by 30%, and in the United States only 3%.

At the same time, today Forbes recognized Moscow as a “city of billionaires” — it is in the capital of the Russian Federation that the largest number of the richest people of the planet lives: while 58 billionaires live in Manhattan, 78 businessmen with bank accounts on nine zeros live on Rublevka.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that the Russians are still far from being called the richest nation of the world. The richest businessman of the Russian Federation Vladimir Lisin ($ 24 billion) was in the total list of the richest people of the planet only in 14th place. Director General of Severstal Alexei Mordashov took 29th line with 18.5 billion. The third among the richest Russians, the owner of the ONEXIM group Mikhail Prokhorov, was with his 18 billion only the 32nd in the “General Security”.