Or not the «dry law» for motorists will be canceled?

Recall that in the summer of 2010, the Government of the Russian Federation reduced to zero the permissible measure of alcohol intoxication of the driver while driving, thereby canceling the notes of Article 27.12 of the Code of the Russian Federation, allowing the concentration of ethyl alcohol to 0.3 grams per liter of blood or up to 0.15 milligrams per liter of air exhausted by the driver. This measure, according to statistics, allowed to reduce mortality on the country’s roads by as many as 15 percent over six months. But there are critics who still express disagreement with such categorical measures.

Opponents of the adopted amendments refer to international traditions, which in all developed countries allow alcohol to 0.8 ppm, while the fight against alcoholism on the roads is organized in completely different ways. Critics define the measures taken as corruption and against the background of an increasingly pronounced struggle against corruption in the ranks of the traffic police, not permissible at all. Over the past year, we have repeatedly heard a lot of arguments about the excessive amendments, for example, in October last year Vladimir Vasiliev himself in one of his interviews printed in a number of articles, talked a lot about the natural background of alcohol in the blood and even drank half a glass of kefir for clarity showing the presence of prohibited fluid in the blood 0.021 ppm.

In this regard, there are stubborn rumors about the preparation by the Committee on Transport of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the next amendments to the legislation, returning all the norms to the previous level. Recently, such information appeared in the newspaper «Arguments of the Week» with reference to a reliable source. According to him, the proposed amendments will be considered by the State Duma in 2011. True, given the interest of the President of the Russian Federation d. Medvedev, who has developed and cultivated this project since 2009, is clearly not worth counting on motorists on the success of this event.